Cause and effect is something we have heard over and over again in our life. When we were in high school, we were taught about it – it means noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other/s. In other words, every action has its own consequences. In CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), we talk about the Cognitive Triangle:

Put in very simple terms, it means that a specific life situation which we perceive through our senses triggers memories of the same or similar experience in the past, which gives rise to our thoughts. These thoughts trigger emotions, often familiar ones, and this propels one to act. This cycle is repeated over and over again until we develop character which in turn defines our destiny.
Our beliefs play a major role in how we think, feel, and act. A thought that we keep thinking over and over again is highly likely to become a belief. This means that we need to review our beliefs and enhance those that serve us, while we dispute those which do not. This way, we shall be able to change our thoughts and consequently be in charge of our choices, living our life in our own terms.
Some of us have deep rooted beliefs that hamper our growth. These may be from our past experiences, from what society has taught us, from our families, from religion, among other sources. However, there comes a time when we reach a point of no return, when we see the light, and when our life is changed forever. This can be through a person, an event, an inner experience, something we read or listen to, or a memory, like in the case of Auntie Rosie, cited in my book Breaking the Cycle – The Role of Auntie Rosie in Childhood Trauma Informed Care.
Our spirituality is important here – and remember spirituality is not synonymous with religion. Faith is not bound to a religion. Religion can be an expression of our faith, but it is not the same as faith. And as someone said:
Our faith can move mountains, while our doubts can create them.
Following is a story of faith and hope in the process of becoming fully alive.
Thanks Samia for sharing this.
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
It was late August when I met Dr. Teresa Ngigi. She gave us training as SOS Staff in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support, it was the best 5 days I ever had & Teresa`s personality just added depth to the training. The training was the spark I needed to ignite my interest in all that is related to psychology and healing.
When it comes to education I was always the girl who had this feeling that she just entered the best candy store on earth or the most fascinating amusement park of all time.
I have enrolled in the university to get a psychology degree, I spend my days and hours reading psychology, spiritual healing, energy healing and psychic books and blogs. I am reading about the latest techniques in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy, psychology, spiritual and energy healing and am in awe at the width and depth of the knowledge in these fields. I don’t feel intimidated by the amount of information in them but I have a yearning to be able to delve into the ocean of knowledge present in them and I have a little prayer that the doors of such knowledge open to me.
I have a new mission in life to be among the best psychologists, spiritual and energy healers of all time. I just don’t want only to be the best, I want to be the number one authority in those fields, and I want to alleviate suffering, and heal the troubles, worries, mend the broken hearts and breathe new air of tranquility into the soul of any person who is undergoing any sort of difficulty.
My focus and scope isn’t only local but I want it to extend to the international level, I heard of stories of healing carried out by John of God, Barbara Brennan, Donna Eden, Matthew Manning, Milton H. Erickson, Wilhelm Reich, Carl Rogers, Marsha M. Linehan, Aaron T. Beck, Albert Ellis and others.
There is a gap that exists between science, religion and spirituality and I think that gap shouldn’t exist at all. I want to combine science, spirituality and religion in my work and build a bridge between them.
I spent two years reading philosophy, and studying for international relations and diplomacy. I acquired a Masters degree in political philosophy, I studied media for my undergraduate degree and all that was preparing me for my new found passion in psychology, spiritual and energy healing field. If I go by this pace by the time I finish my psychology degree I will be on top of my game and become a master at my chosen field God willing.
I was changed for better because of Dr. Teresa. Just in a few months, I didn’t know any of this and now just look at how far I have come. I believe that in the years to come, by God’s grace, I will write a new chapter in my life.
‘He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.’ (Viktor Frankl).

Samia Hassan is from Somaliland, and works as youth coach in SOS Children`s Villages Somaliland. She studied in Somaliland and Cairo. She has worked in different humanitarian organizations in different capacities. She contributes to the wellbeing of the young people not only in SOS Children`s Villages, but in Somaliland as a whole.
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