How Have Our Relationships Changed?
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away (Pablo Picasso)

The year 2020 has been a quite different year than others we have known. For most of us, it has been a year of adjustments in more than one ways.
Inevitably, due to the restrictions because of COVID-19, our relationships have undergone drastic changes – some for the better, others for the worse. One common factor is that we have had more time than ever to reflect on our relationships and the direction we would like them to take.
The global restrictions have forced us to live closer together with some people and further apart from others. Each of us has had their own experiences regarding this phenomenon.
On a personal level, I have had to make drastic adjustments. I used to travel around the world for work related purposes, and hardly spent time at home with my family. Since March 2020, I have only made a one-week trip outside Italy, for the rest of the time, I have been with my close family members – husband and two teenage children.
During our time together, despite each being busy with their own occupation, I realized how much I had missed being home with my family. The proximity with each other gave rise to deep reflections. Each of us has their own working space, but each person’s presence was palpable. Each of us influenced the other in unique ways. We have developed our senses further to perceive what the other one was going through, even when words were not used.
It has been a period of appreciation, where I had to count the many blessings that I have. I was able to reach out to many people who were struggling, and it made a huge difference both to me and to them. I had time to reflect on what my soul’s purpose is at this time in my life. I have been doing a lot of soul-searching and listening to my entelechy – my higher self, and I have received loads of insights. I am still a work in progress, but I am in a better place than I was in March.
I have made conscious decisions every time – to be grateful and to listen to what messages are downloading in my system as I navigate through the new lifestyle. I have consciously developed an attitude of gratitude and decided to let go of what does not serve me. I have allowed myself to heal from past traumas. I discovered that there were several traumas I was unaware of, but they were affecting me and my quest for fulfilment. As said earlier, I am still a work in progress, but I am in a better off position than before.
I also discovered that my year of birth was recorded erroneously. I am a year younger than I have all along thought. My family was a large one, and my parents lost count of when we were born, so they put in a year that they thought could work, but thankfully, I now know exactly when I was born, year, date, month, and time. This was a great revelation to me, and it opened whole new chapters in my life that I never considered before. I am grateful for this.
At the beginning of every year, people usually set intentions. However, some of these do not last long. My only intention for this year is to listen and follow my bliss. The astrology tells me that I am in for surprises, and I rise to the occasion with confidence and gait.
I invite each one of you reading to reflect on what impact this year has had especially on your relationships, and kindly share your thoughts in the comments below.
My wish for the new year is that we all learn to treasure the positive changes that have happened this year, really take time to listen to our inner guidance, and have the courage to act upon what is revealed to us.

The purpose of life is not to be happy, it is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
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