“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” – Byron Katie

What is Love? Love is a very complex and loaded word. It has been given different definitions by the church, society, and individuals throughout the ages. I believe there are as many definitions of love as there are people. The simplest of them to me is Love is God and God is Love. This article will discuss self-love.
Self-love is simply unconditional love to self. It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. When we practice self-love, we open doors to share what we are and have with those around us. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Can you give to another what you do not have?
When we practice self-love, we begin to accept our weaknesses and strengths, we no longer need to explain ourselves and we become more centered in our life purpose and values. How can we develop self-love?
The first step is to become mindful and examine our thought process and feelings. We focus on what we want instead of what others want for us. We stay strong, present, grounded and centered instead of living life in auto pilot. We do not dwell in the past and we are quick to release behavior patterns that no longer serve our highest good. People who practice self-love take time to practice good self-care, they nourish their bodies with healthy foods and engage in physical activities to keep their bodies strong and functional.
Another step is to set boundaries. You love yourself when you set limits or say no to work, situations, or activities that deplete your energy levels. Protect yourself from those who may masquerade as your friends but only succeed in stealing your joy. Live intentionally, with purpose and design. Strive for a meaningful and healthy life and declutter your mind. Last and probably the most important step is to forgive yourself and others. When you let go of the past through forgiveness, you are on your way to a blissful life.
“I am not looking to escape my darkness, I’m learning to love myself there.”

This reflection was written by my beloved sister Mary Jones to whom I am extremely grateful.
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